Tuesday, May 8, 2012

all caps

I've never had letters be more exciting than seeing "PD IN FULL" today on our bank statement three times! We sold the Vallejo house - check; we paid off the two rental homes - check, check. It feels so comforting and nice to not have 3/4 of a million dollars lurking and hovering over you! Yea! We need to cal lDave Ramsey and join his 'weird' club and shout - "We're debt FREE!" Let's have a PARTY! Yea!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Two Extremes

Six months ago today I thought I might die - die from exhaustion of carrying and growing three babies and die from the surgery I just underwent. Reminiscing today was not a good idea. It made me not want to do anything and basically took the do out of my usual need to be doing. I like being six months out. I would not go back if you paid me. It was not a great season to remember.
On the other hand, my dear friend Sarah called tonight. I always feel so much better after talking to Sarah. She is an amazing person, gives sound advice, has fresh ideas for me & is a great listener. I love hearing what is going on in her world. I miss our Sunday chats and occasional drop-ins. I'll always regret Alette was not able to have her as her first grade teacher. She'll be fine in life, but not the same. I wish she could have experienced Sarah. While we were talking, I brought up another friend, Kezia. Asking Sarah how she was as I hadn't received a response in a while. She mentioned she was well and thought about coming down for Thanksgiving, but then Sarah told her my family was going to be here so Kezia dropped the idea. Oh, no. I would LOVE to see Kezia. There is something about her that fills me. She is inspiring and an amazing woman. After we hung up, I texted Kezia to let her know she was more than welcome to come if she would like. The very idea of seeing her put a skip in my step. I do not miss the awful, cold, enduring winter, but I do miss the incredible women I was able to observe, learn from and grow because of them. I will always miss the people. The people who I didn't realize had knitted so deeply in my heart. It's been a hard transition move for me as much for the kids. I hope to not do it again for a long time. If only the weather were better there, I would consider moving back.

Monday, August 23, 2010


This year I have relished in the warmth of the sun. Even when we were in the 90s, I embraced the heat knowing that all too soon it would be gone. Someone must have sent the school schedule because last night a storm blew in and it feels like fall. I didn't dare go running bc last time I did when it was 40-some odd degrees, it burned my lungs. So, option two was to go to a class at the Sports Academy. I've been working out 5-6 times a week either swimming or taking a class like yoga, spinning, water aerobics, total body training, ZUMBA etc. I'm trying to be really careful as not to reinjure my wrist (I'm still lacking a ligament and you can see the pigment discoloration that accompanies the anorexic outer side.

I finished another book; waiting for book 2 and 3 to be delivered. Something to get away to.

I've been helping out teachers where I can at school - watching Amber nearly six days now and cutting, doing bulletin boards etc. There's so much work to get ready for school! I think I'm ready other than the driving that I will do. Here's to a year of playing chauffeur three times a day.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Here we go

I've been running 5 - 6 times a week about 3 miles a day - 2 miles running and a half walking on either end. I've lost 5 lbs and feel more in shape. I love being alone, the beat and going on auto pilot. Now the variable, I just took my first progesterone pill. I don't know how my body will react and I hope it will help me keep a pregnancy full term. This is the outcome we desire. It's a new and questionable variable as I keep miscarrying. Cross our fingers, maybe we'll have good news in a couple weeks. Accompanying that, I hope I can keep running. It really helps me have a better day all around.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

With Sarah

I was so delighted that Sarah invited me to go with her to the temple. Andrew helped juggle things at home so I could go - the day after I arrived back from California no less. He stayed at t-ball and I went to the session.

Sarah and I started teaching primary together at the beginning of the year. In the three months we taught together, we became fast friends. She kindly complimented me saying she never thought she could ever teach with anyone (she's a 1st grade teacher) but she could teach with me. Imagine if I had some training - then I might be even better. We worked on a project of doing Isabelle's room - a complete makeover. She loves it and Isabelle does too. It's been so fun to do together.

Sarah's sister, Sarah, Kezia and me.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life for Others

Last week I ran past the elementary school and back home. For the first time I was able to read what was burned on the back of the city sign. It's there as you leave the city limits. I haven't stopped thinking the Albert Einstein quote since:

"Only a life lived for others is a life worth while."

I've been able to run five days this week. The first rich harvest has come - the hay is now cut. My asthma continues to make the bottom of my lungs burn, but I continue on. Often by choosing a landmark or the end of a song until I stop, can walk it off a ways and then try again. I was able to walk/run the 2.6 miles in 25 min. including stretching Saturday. I know that I am improving and feel like I am getting stronger.

Today during church, the speaker told of this fine statement by Sister Marjorie Hinckley. I would have to agree with her as I'm sure Albert would.

"I don’t want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully, tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails. I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp. I want to be there with grass stains on my shoes from mowing Sister Schenk’s lawn. I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbor’s children. I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone’s garden. I want to be there with children’s sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder. I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived."

She truly was a doer of the word. I have learned I am most fulfilled when I am doing for other people.

Saturday Sarah and I put together the pieces of our vision. She asked if I would help design her daughter's bedroom in March. The past month we really pressed forward and were able to put our time and energy into creating the pieces she wanted. Although we ran into challenges, the tu-tu bedskirt is simply perfect. The pillows all turned out fabulously and the pictures hung make the room so complete. We are missing a few backordered items. Once they arrive, it will be complete. Sarah said she stared at the room for a half an hour last night - pleased and thinking of all the things we did she never would have thought of doing. Isabelle, although out late with her dad, anticipated sleeping in her new room and did not want to sleep at his house. I'm so pleased they love it so much. How wonderful to bring joy to someone because of giving a few hours of thought, time and energy.

It makes me think of this scripture in Doctrine & Covenants 58:27

"Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;"

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Room Makeover

I've been helping my friend, Sarah, redo her daughter's bedroom. The idea began in March, but she was not able to focus on it until the school year ended. We found the remaining fabrics this past week, so I broke out the sewing machines and have been up past midnight the past three nights.

It's been fun for me to do some design work. I haven't done much for some time, so it's been refreshing to create and execute. I finished all seven pillows. Although one was altered in design, it turned out great. Isabelle, our hardest client, loved the pillows, so I think she will love the final project.

I hope to do a final reveal in the next couple weeks. The serger I'm using doesn't gather the fabric enough so I will have to recut six sections and resew the netting. Saturday I thought my eyes would bug out as I felt like I was making the longest wedding veil in the world - 220 inches long panels. We'll get it done. We are adjusting and making it better.